วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

7 Reasons why you should retire in Thailand

Thailand has become a destination of choice for many foreigners for a number of reasons.  When asked about Thailand, every expatriate you met will give you a different reason for living in Thailand.  A general overview as to why they have made Thailand as their retirement choice includes the following:

Thailand has a lower cost of living without having to sacrifice your lifestyle you enjoyed in your home country.  If anything, upgrade your lifestyle with one of the world’s most attractive costs of living.

For some retirees, their reason for choosing Thailand as their retirement destination is due to the warm, tropical climate.  You may enjoy warm, sunny weather all year round.  A perfect winter getaway, No more winters!

Security, today is of paramount importance to everyone especially those who are retired.  In this regard, Thailand is safe country to lives in as crimes committed against foreigners are very low and those few that have happened in the past made headlines.

For those retiring in Thailand, having access to proper healthcare is also of paramount importance.  As we grow older, we need to take more care of ourselves.  Thailand offers many leading, international hospitals at a much lower cost than what you would expect at home.

Respect for senior citizens.  According to Thai tradition, culture and values, children are educated from the young age to show respect to elders.  In Western countries, it is less prevalent to see the respect of youngsters toward senior citizens.  When meeting you, the young Thais will join their hands together (as in a prayer) to show respect toward you.  This custom in Thailand is known as the “Wai”.

Thailand is the land of smile!  Thailand is known as the land of smile for good reasons; the kindness and warmth of the Thais are legendary and they excel in the service and hospitality sector.  Enjoy the daily pleasure of living in a country where politeness, courtesy and good humor are at the heart of national pride.

Last but not least – The lifestyle.  Thailand has much to offer.  It is a shopper’s paradise, has the world’s best Spas and wellness centers as well as having seaside attractions and some of Asia’s finest golf courses.

Thailand offers many options for the retired individual or couple.  These are only some of the reasons why others have made Thailand their retirement choice.

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